Director: David Djambazov Country: Bulgaria / 25 min.

War veteran Volodymyr had achieved his dream job - mayor of Chortkiv, Ukraine, population 28,279. When Putin’s brutal war is unleashed upon the whole country, the irrepressible mayor finds that even civilian life has turned into a series of desperate battles. To keep the shelters dry, to fix the
school, even to keep the bacteria in the water cleaning plant alive is no small task. Not to speak of comforting the grief and giving hope to his fellow citizens. And the phone keeps on ringing.

THE MAYOR is part of the Think Freedom series of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) (Regional Office for East and Southeast Europe), featuring documentary portraits of inspiring and free-minded people from the region and beyond. Based on the principles of liberalism, FNF offers political education in Germany and abroad. tanuki films is an award-winning boutique production team based in Bulgaria, focused on documentary film, journalism and social campaigns.

01.10, 18:30, CZECH CENTER + Q&A with the director

05.10, 16:00, POLISH INSTITUTE + Q&A with the director

Прожекциите се организират в партньорство с Посолството на Украйна в България, Фондация „Фридрих Науман“ и Tanuki Films.

Buy Ticket for 01.10

Buy Ticket for 05.10